Tuesday, February 28, 2012


So I have a new best friend in Haiti, and his name is Juste.
Pronounced: Juic-T
He is truly living what we in America have somewhat forgotten about: The American Dream
He is an electrician, and is currently in University to learn Civil Engineering. He is 21 years old.
He finished high school (secondary school) and went to trade school for 3 years. Now he wants a higher paying degree and so he is in school in Port-au-Prince. He is paying his way thru by working for his dad (also an engineer).
He wants so badly to achieve the best he can. He knows 4 languages fluently. Me and him talk about Kanye West, The American Prison system, and all the movies and cultural items you can imagine.
He wants sooooo bad to go to the US!
But he is Haitian. And that means he can't get a visa without substantial help from many many people.
There is something wrong when a well-to-do kid from a poor country can't even pay for a visit to "paradise". I want to help him so bad. But there is very little I can do besides ask for letters of recommendation.
If anyone could figure out a way to get him into school in the States that would be best...he's brilliant! He makes me look like a dumbass. And he wants to return to help his home: Haiti.
Help Juste! We all need to, somehow, someway. 

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