Thursday, February 16, 2012


            Well, I ship out tomorrow, at 6am. My entire life for the next 3+ months somehow fits in a large duffel bag and my backpack. I’m looking forward to the simplicity I think I will find, with no Twitter, text messages, or telephone. But the reality of this big step has begun to settle in. It almost feels like I am stepping into a dream. Or perhaps I am waking up out of one. Either way, it will all seem far more real when I step off the plane tomorrow and enter the heat and humidity of Haiti.
            And while my life in Haiti has not quite begun, I have already had a calendar of events and plans begin to take shape. While I will not be able to make a Carnival celebration this Sunday with Angela Galbreath, I will hopefully be making a jaunt to the little town of Croche, a tiny village accessible only by foot, with a mission team coming in this weekend. I have also set up plans to meet up with Sewanee professor, Dr. McGrath, in March in Cange as she and some students work on an environmental project with Partners in Health. Hopefully I will be able to add something to the mix. And also in March, my dad and his mission team will come down.
            I am certainly ready to get out of Little Rock. Somewhere between a dusting of snow (which managed to shut down the town for a morning), my first ever car accident (when I was rear ended…my Subaru won), and the extreme boredom which has seen me read two books in the past week, I know that my time has come. I am being beckoned south. As for tonight, one last supper with my family and hopefully a good night’s sleep in a bed without a mosquito net.

N a we pita Little Rock!

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