The Maundy
Thursday service was nearing its end. Having started around 6pm it was now
nearly 9pm. The whole congregation stood in a large circle around the altar with
our wafers and small cups of wine. Pere Val tells us to “drink the blood and
eat the body.” As soon as he commanded us to do so, the power shut off. It hadn’t
gone off once the entire three hour service, but it did so now, at this exact
moment. Everyone remained calm and ate and drank. The only lights that
flickered were the two candles on the altar, reminding us that, indeed, God was
still in the room. As soon as Pere Val began the post-communion prayer, the
lights returned.
Coincidence? I say no.
Today is
Good Friday. Sometimes people die. Sometimes things die, cruelly and unjustly.
And sometimes, these deaths are long, drawn out, and painful. They are full of
abuse and torture. People turn on each other; people turn on there own saviors;
people deny their best friends.
But God has given us the promise of redemption.
Sometimes, I feel like that might be the only gift he ever really has given us.
But even if that’s so, it is more than enough.
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